
The collective discipline of study or learning acquired through the scientific method.

For Science Olympics, I got the kids to match the usually difficult science terms with their definitions. In teams, their goal is to answer the questions given to them on a worksheet, using words that have been cut out and taped to the wall. Only one person per group is allowed at a time, and they are only allowed to grab one word each turn.

I used the hallway for this activity, though in retrospect, that might not have been a good idea due to its echoey acoustics. On one side is a “word bank” of sixty science words, enough words for each team plus extra. The students are on the opposite side and are given one worksheet per group, which contains blanks large enough for the science words. They scramble to find the answers and the first to finish correctly wins.

Another idea, which I haven’t done yet, is a multiple choice activity in which students have to run to opposite sides of the room to areas marked A, B, C, and D. The trick is to have each area become smaller and smaller (newspapers work best for this) and the requirement is that both feet have to be inside this area in order to stay qualified in the game. The last person who remains is the winner. Questions will be about the current topics discussed in science class.


"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."
- Albert Einstein

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